Buyers Agent - Sydney


Choose an investment property in Sydney


When you first look into buying property, it might all seem like a mystery. After all, you may have no idea which houses will become profitable and which will not.

One of the easiest things you can do is follow the lead of an already successful investor. When you’re looking for a buyers agent, Sydney has an array of choices. None will be as lucrative, though, as our resident expert, Todd Hunter.

With years and years of experience, he can ensure that you do what’s right for your finances.

Finance and Credit related activities are provided through Runna Associates Pty Ltd ACN 103 454 11 ASIC license No. 388 535, MFAA 14491, COSL – external dispute resolution Reg No. 408379

Property Purchases and buyer agent service is provided by wHereproperty  Pty Ltd ABN 18108359664 as a licenced Buyers agent service. whereproperty Real Estate License No 1507376

We provide buyers agent services in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth & Adelaide.

Get expert advice from specialist investor


When you choose us at wHeregroup, we will go above and beyond to ensure that you get the best level of service.

We never buy units or duplexes, as that in itself can be quite risky. Instead, we focus on investments that are secure and will pay off in the long run.

After years of experience in the industry, we are ready to share some of our expert secrets with you. That means that you can learn all about investing in excellent properties from us.

When you choose us as your Sydney buyers agent, you can be confident that your money will be safe.

Learn about finances and price points


Of course, there is a science to making the right financial decisions. When it comes to finances, we are well ahead of the game.

When you contact our team, we will help you to understand how to make the most of the funds you have right now. We work with two basic price points. The first is up to $440,000 and the second is up to $540,000.

We only buy houses, since all the costs are always upfront with these properties. After a wealth of research, we will help you to choose a house that suits your budget.

We do the research, so you don’t have to!


If you worry about the research aspect of investing, worry no more! At wHeregroup, we will do all the research for you so that you don’t need to stress about a thing.

We use tools such as population forecasting to decide whether a house is worth buying. Investing in properties is all about supply and demand. There should never be more houses than people in an area need. So, if we use population stats to determine how many people there will be, we can see the demand for housing.

When you contact us, we will take care of every aspect for you.

Todd's Resources


Todd Hunter began investing in property in 2002. As a mortgage broker and buyers agent, he amassed a portfolio of 50 properties by the age 31.

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